Thursday 18 December 2014

1-5 drafts of trailer + Feedback and Behind the Scene Shots

Behind the Scene Shots
These are some of the behind the scene shots before I did the make up and styling of the characters. At this point my actors and I were looking around the location and discovering what parts of the building we could use and where would be the best to shoot. 

1st Draft

After placing all my clips in the right order and adding some sounds and text, I had my first draft of my trailer. I had made a green age warning sign to be placed at the beginning of the trailer, followed by a production company logo. After showing my first draft to the rest of my class, I got some feedback on what they thought. I took note of these comments and worked on. 

  • clips too long
  • more sounds in background
  • overall trailer too long

2nd Draft

In my second draft I made many of the clips either shorter or sped them up. This made the editing pace of the trailer slightly quicker and more realist, like other trailers for popular horror movies. I also edited the lighting of some of the clips to make them a little bit lighter because where I had filmed my trailer was in a quite dark abandoned house. The house didn't have much lighting and all i had was a torch, therefore many of my clips were very dark. Using adobe premiere pro I was able to adjust the colour levels of each clip. 
Within the feedback I got from my second viewing to the class of my trailer, a very good point was made. At the beginning of my trailer when the two cars walk out from the car, their voices are quite muffled due to poor camera quality and the fact we were outside on a road. I then came up with the idea to place a voice over at that point in the trailer so that the conversation would be much clearer to hear. I went away and arranged another time to meet with the girls and to record a voice over that would then match in with the timing and actions of the clip. 

3rd Draft

In my 3rd draft of the trailer, I went away and worked on adding the voice over at the beginning. I placed it in and was very happy with the outcome. I think it works much better and is a lot clearer to hear. After showing my class the improvements, they agreed that it was much better with the voice over. At this point in my editing process I focused slightly more on the background sounds. I decided that I wanted to put in a beat of some sort to add tension to the trailer. I choose to use a heartbeat sound throughout nearly half of the trailer. 
At this point in my editing I decided to change the text font, colour and size. I felt the font looked childish and didn't created a scary atmosphere. I decided to use a much ore simple font and white text on the black background.

4th Draft

For my 4 and 5th draft I was only making minor adaptions, such as the length of clips by a few seconds so that they all fitted in together better. I also worked on the sounds and how sound the background sounds were against the voices of the characters.

5th Draft

When editing my final trailer some of the trailer was missed out. This was due to a technical issue where some sound and clips were saved onto a memory stick so when rendering my clip so of it was lost. I soon realised this issue and managed to go back and fix it before producing my final trailer.

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